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Archaeological and Cultural Heritage tour of Bangladesh 8 days


Archaeological and cultural heritage tour of Bangladesh through the northwestern region to explore all important archaeological sites from the prehistoric age to the colonial period, ancient and contemporary architecture, and diverse rural lifestyles and cultures. This region is a very popular destination for various historical monuments, including Kushumba mosques, Puthia temples, Paharpur UNESCO World Heritage Site, Vasu Bihara, Jogoddol Moha Bihara, Halud Vihara, Mahasthangarh, Kantaji Temple, Sena capital, Chhota Sona Mosque, Darashbari Mosque, Khanjan Dighi Mosque, Tahakhana, Bagha Mosque, British-era buildings, beautiful landscapes, rivers, Chars, and vibrant culture.


Bogra was one of the kingdoms of eastern India during the early historical period and was separated by a river from the more easterly kingdom of Kamarupa, or Pragjyotisa. According to the Mahabharata and the Puranas, a powerful prince of the Pundra family, Vasudeva, ruled this area back in 1280 BC. A limestone slab discovered in 1931 at the Mahasthan excavation shows that this first Hindu city was an important urban center when the Maurya empire dominated North India.

The UNESCO declared World Heritage Site Somapuri Vihara at Paharpur is the highest Buddhist monastery in the south of the Himalayas, dating from the 8th century AD. This is one of the most important and impressive archaeological sites in Bangladesh.

Rajshahi is famous for its fine silk, luscious mango, litchis, and magnificent architectural landmarks. The city’s clean streets and green surroundings have always welcomed discriminating tourists. There are 270 varieties of mangoes grown in the Rajshahi area during the season between May and September, but most of them are available in June and July. Rajshahi is also famous for some characteristic sweetmeats, including Roshkodom, Raghobshahi, Khaja, and Kachagolla, not to be found anywhere else in Bangladesh.

Puthia Palace is one of the finest examples of old-style architectural magnificence. It has a number of temples that used to be the centers of worship for the local Hindu community. Puthia is located about 32km to the east of Rajshahi City and one km from the Dhaka-Rajshahi highway.

Gaur or Gaud or Gauda or Gour was the ancient capital established by Hindu Senas and called Lakhnauti, which has turned into a site of great historical importance. Gaur has more mosques than any other area of the country after Dhaka and Bagerhaat. It is located about 100km west of Rajshahi City, on the Bangladesh – India border at Chapainawabgonj town. Archaeological heritage and artifacts of this area are Chhota Sona Mosque, Darashbari Mosque and Madrasa (1479), Dhanichak Mosque, Dakhil Darwaza, Khanjan Dighi Mosque, Kachari Bari of Shah Suja (Tahakhana), Tohakhana Mosque, and the Tomb of Shah Niamatullah, but none of the structures from the earlier Hindu Kingdoms remains.

This region opens its gates to those who are amazed by its archaeologically important sites as well as various tasty foods.


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