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Goaldi mosque is one of the most magnificent edifices in Bangladesh. Single dome brick-built Goaldi mosque looks very cute, located in Sonargaon, Narayanganj district, about a kilometer northeast of Panam City. The architecture of this mosque reminds of the square-shaped mosque style found around Bagerhat during the regime of Khan Jahan Ali. This mosque is an excellent example of 'enclosed square shape' architecture in Bengal, characterised by a cubical prayer chamber with corner turrets and entrances on all sides except

Photography tours in Bangladesh can be a life-changing game. Bangladesh is a country of contrasts, with natural beauty and cultural diversity coexisting with poverty and social issues. It is also a land of opportunities, where photographers can discover countless subjects to photograph and explore. This article will provide some photography-related advice and insights from our recent trips.

Birdwatching trip to Bangladesh is heavenly for the person who cares and loves spotting birds. There are over 700 species of birds found in the country. From migratory birds to endemic species, Bangladesh offers a unique birding experience for both amateur and professional bird-watchers. This trip is dedicatedly designed for bird lovers around the world that we operate once a year.