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Overnight trip to Sylhet gives you a break from the hectic life and a nice relaxation in nature. We recommend Suktara nature retreat or Nazimgarh resort for your accommodation on this trip so that you will be in nature even if you are just in your hotel.

Weekend relaxation in Sylhet is an idea to explore Sylhet in and around over the weekend. Leaving Dhaka city by overnight train to Sylhet is an opportunity to experience the night train service of Bangladesh. This weekend trip to Sylhet includes a nice city walk with important tourist sites, tea estates, Ratargul Swamp Forest or Bichanakandi natural tourist spot, Lalakhal and Jaflong area and trying authentic local dishes. Our trips are always connected to the local life and culture.

Explore Dhaka in a local way, which brings you into the inner courtyard yards of Old Dhaka's Life and culture. This five-day trip in and around Dhaka will allow you to explore the city’s new, old, and neighborhood areas, as well as a day trip to Sonargaon, the brass artisan village in Dhamrai, and some ancient and contemporary architecture. You can spend a couple of days walking on the street, taking pictures, meeting friendly people, exploring local craftsmanship and the

Exploring the maze of alleyways in Dhaka can be a fascinating experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the city’s vibrant culture and history. This six-day trip in and around Dhaka would let you explore Dhaka’s new and old neighborhoods, including a day trip to the first capital Sonargaon, the Brass artisan village in Dhamrai, and some ancient and contemporary architecture.

Architecture tour of Bangladesh is a unique interactive tour program for architects and people passionate about architecture, art, culture and nature. While visiting an architecture site, visitors often forget the life and culture around the site. This trip is the perfect blend of architecture, people and their fascinating culture. We named this trip "a journey through the living architecture of Bangladesh." We are the first and only operator to offer this trip once a year in October. This tour requires